Organic is not just a trend for us it’s our belief and taking responsibility

Protecting our environment is not an option but a must. That is why we use sustainable materials such as organic cotton.
Organic products are produced without artificial chemicals or additives and made in the most natural form possible.

They comply with comprehensive standards that are verified by independent certification bodies.

It is the most reliable, transparent and rigorous system available across the globe. Which guarantees sustainable production.

Organic cotton is grown using methods and materials that have a low impact on the environment.

Organic production systems replenish and maintain soil fertility, reduce the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and fertilisers, and build biologically diverse agriculture.

Third-party certification organisations such as GOTS, verify that organic producers use only approved methods and materials throughout organic production.

In addition, federal regulations prohibit the use of genetically engineered seed for organic farming.

Benefits of organic cotton

Organic fibres are grown without the use of synthetic fertilisers or potentially toxic pesticides.

By building soil fertility, organic farmers help lock CO2 into the soil, helping mitigate climate change.

By avoiding potentially toxic pesticides cotton workers benefit by preventing the associated health problems and deaths common in non-organic cotton production.

Avoiding pesticides also reduces production costs and farmer debts.

Better quality fibre than standard cotton.

Fair price: The price of organic includes investments made by farmers who are protecting the environment, maintaining soil fertility, preserving biodiversity and conserving water. This means organic cotton sometimes (but not always) is more expensive because the costs aren’t hidden.

It is Hypoallergenic. It does not cause any allergy or irritation when it touches human skin.